Judge Judy on Fathers’ Rights to Their Children


In a well-known video clip from a past episode of Larry King Live, Judy Sheindlin, better known as Judge Judy, shared her candid views on the issue of joint custody in the United States. Drawing from her extensive background as a lawyer in the family court, Sheindlin voiced her concerns about how the legal system often fails fathers in custody disputes. She pointed out that while the law has technically moved away from the outdated Tender Years Doctrine, which favored mothers, the reality in courtrooms often doesn’t reflect true equality. Sheindlin argued for a presumption of joint custody in all cases, emphasizing that this should be the default unless there is clear and convincing evidence to deviate from it.

Sheindlin stressed the importance of both parents being involved in their children’s lives, even after a divorce. She criticized the inconsistency in how fathers are treated, noting that society expects fathers to be equal partners in parenting, yet this expectation often vanishes when it comes to custody decisions. Through this video, Sheindlin made a compelling case for a more balanced and fair approach to custody, recognizing the vital role that fathers play in their children’s upbringing.


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