Home Divorce Was No-Fault Divorce implemented to empower Feminists and Screw Men?

Was No-Fault Divorce implemented to empower Feminists and Screw Men?

No Fault Divorce and Alimony

Let’s face it—no-fault divorce laws are a weapon used by feminists to dismantle any last vestige of accountability or fairness in marriage. These laws have created an entire industry that rewards women for quitting on their families, while turning men into walking ATMs for the rest of their lives. It’s all part of the larger societal destruction of marriage that’s been brewing for decades. Feminists have twisted the concept of equality into a one-sided deal where men pay the price.

Let’s Look at the Numbers

  • Women Initiate the Majority of Divorces: Let’s cut through the excuses—about 70% of divorces are initiated by women, and that skyrockets to 90% among college-educated women. And why not? No-fault divorce makes it easy. They don’t need a reason. Just say they’re done, and the courts reward them. It’s not about escaping abusive marriages; it’s about cashing out while the system has their back.
  • Alimony and Spousal Support: Men are getting shafted, plain and simple. 97% of alimony payments go from men to women. The courts are practically handing out free money to women while men foot the bill. These women walk away from the marriage with a steady paycheck for years, courtesy of their ex-husbands’ hard work.
  • Asset Division and Property Settlements: Don’t believe the “equitable distribution” myth. It’s a joke. The courts lean heavily toward women, prioritizing the “needs” of the lower-earning spouse, which is almost always the wife. Men, as the higher earners, get wiped out—losing huge chunks of their savings, assets, and financial future, even if the woman barely contributed during the marriage.
  • Child Custody and Support: Child custody is another area where men get screwed. 80% of custodial parents are women, meaning men are stuck paying child support. And good luck seeing that money if you’re a dad—only 43.5% of custodial fathers actually receive the support they’re owed, while 56.9% of mothers get theirs. The system is rigged.
  • Long-Term Economic Impact on Men: Divorce is an economic death sentence for men. After a divorce, men’s standard of living drops by 10-40%, while women’s tends to either stay the same or improve. Why? Because they’re pocketing alimony and child support. Meanwhile, men are left picking up the pieces of their financial lives.

Of course, defenders of no-fault divorce laws, like the left’s favorite mouthpieces, claim these laws protect women from abusive marriages. That’s the go-to excuse they love to peddle. But here’s the truth: we’re not trying to trap women in toxic marriages. The real issue is how these laws allow women to treat divorce like a financial windfall. They can walk away from a marriage for any reason—or no reason at all—then cry victim while cleaning out a man’s bank account through alimony and child support.

But don’t think this is just the left’s fault. The right is just as guilty for allowing this farce to continue. The so-called “family values” conservatives, especially the church cucks, are complicit in this mess. They push the narrative that men need to “man up” and marry, while ignoring that marriage today is a rigged game where men lose. They preach about covenant marriages, counseling, and saving families, but fail to acknowledge the obvious: the modern Western woman isn’t interested in being a partner. She’s been shaped by a society that rewards self-interest and victimhood.

Take Louisiana, where religious groups like Gene Mills’ Louisiana Family Forum want to get rid of no-fault divorce. Their angle is all about keeping families together, dragging men and women through counseling and therapy to “save” marriages that are already dead in the water. What they’re really doing is forcing men to stay in the trap, pretending that traditional values will somehow magically fix the mess created by feminist culture.

Let’s be clear: no-fault divorce itself isn’t the enemy. If two people want out, fine. But it’s the financial rewards handed to women after a no-fault divorce that’s the real problem. Why should they get to walk away with half a man’s earnings and live off his labor for years after they’ve decided they’re done? It’s nothing more than legalized theft, and yet, these church cucks and conservative politicians refuse to address the financial slavery these laws create for men.

And here’s the real kicker: while feminists pretend that overturning these laws would set women’s rights back decades, it’s the men who are losing out. Studies show that women initiate most divorces. They’re the ones pulling the plug, knowing they can walk away with financial security, thanks to the courts. And who supports this? Both the left and the right. The feminists want to tear down marriage, while the conservatives want to pretend it’s still the 1950s. Both sides are playing men for fools, and it’s about time we wake up to the fact that the system is broken and needs to be dismantled.

No-fault divorce? Sure, keep it—but strip out the financial incentives that turn it into a lottery ticket for women. If you want out of a marriage, fine. But you shouldn’t get to enslave the man you left in the process.


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